Friday, March 2, 2012

Delivery Day!

Well, the due date came and went.  So did a few more days, and then Chels "pretended" that her water broke, unfortunately it hadn't.  Chels was getting quite antsy to say the least for the little guy to make his debut.  We had our last appointment on Friday and Dr. McCullough said that she would induce her on Monday if we didn't have any action over the weekend.  We were really hoping that she would be far enough along that she would break her water when we went in, but no such luck!  We were a little disappointed, but at least we knew there was an end in sight.

Around 7-7:30pm on Saturday Chels started to have more regular contractions and was getting pretty uncomfortable.  After a few hours and a couple phone calls back and forth with the hospital, we decided that it was time to head to head in around 12:15am on Sunday.  We got the car loaded up and made the long 3 mile drive to the hospital.

As we were walking into the hospital Chels says "I am not leaving without a baby in my arms this time," since we were now 7 days into overtime.   We got checked in and Chels was examined by one of the nurses and the doctor that was on call determined that she was far enough along that she would admit her to stay!  After getting hooked up to all of the monitors and IV's they gave her a little medicine in her IV to take the edge off her contractions.

About an hour or so after letting the medicine work, the anethesiologist came in to start an epidural.  He was super nice guy, and was weirdly in love with me (Jon) and my athletic background.   Before he started with the needles the nurse pulled out a chair for me incase I got light headed.  I pretty much laughed it off after watching doctors put big needles in my shoulder and elbow for surgeries of my own.

Well about 3 min after he's working on prepping Chels, I start to get this light headed feeling and start getting cold sweats.  I try to be sneaky and go and sit in the chair without 1. passing out before hand, and 2. no one realizing that I was about to pass out.   Didn't work, the nurse caught me red handed and started laughing, and said "I told you so!"

After getting the epidural, Chels finally is able to relax and get a couple hours of sleep.  Around 7:30 the nurse comes in to check her and says that she was 8cm dilated!  We couldn't believe how fast she had progressed since we fell asleep.  After about an hour of watching Friends on tv they decided it was time to get the little nugget outta there!

9:34am and an hour after Chels did an amazing job pushing, we finally welcomed Grady Thomas Bjelland into our lives.  The little guy weighed in at 8lbs 8 oz, and was 21 inches long.  We both have never been so happy in our lives, it was an amazing feeling! 

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